Protein/Antibody Coupling Kit

料號: 64-R0112

24-Plex Carboxyl Barcoded Magnetic Beads Protein/Antibody Coupling Kit. 須搭配 BioCode® 分析儀使用。

Kit content:
-Activation Buffer, 1 x 20mL
-Coupling Buffer, 1 x 20mL
-PBS Buffer for Protein, 1 x 20mL
-PBS-T Buffer for Protein, 1 x 450mL
-TRIS Buffer for Protein, 1 x 20mL
-TWEEN/NaCl, 1 x 20mL
-Detection Buffer, 1 x 60mL
-96-well plates/cover, 2 plates and 1 cover
-Barcoded Magnetic Beads, 24 x 0.5 mL (~10,000 BMB each)



Calibration Kit for BioCode® MDx-3000 System
[For 4,096-plex BMB]

料號: 64-C0002

利用空白對照和具已知螢光強度的條碼磁珠,來校正 BioCode® MDx-3000 System 分析儀。

Kit content:
-Optical Calibrator 1, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Calibrator 2, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Calibrator 3, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Calibrator 4, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Calibrator 5, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Calibrator 6, 1 x 1mL
-Optical Control 1, 3 x 1mL
-Optical Control 2, 3 x 1mL
-Optical Control 3, 3 x 1mL

Detection Buffer

料號: 44-D0002-1000

以分析儀進行光學偵測時,於各盤孔將 BMB 再懸浮於呈色緩衝液中
(每孔 200 µl)。

1,000ml for 5,000 microwells.


Detection Buffer with Antifoam

料號: 44-D0004-500

以分析儀進行光學偵測時,於各盤孔再懸浮 BMB 於含消泡劑的呈色緩衝液中
(每孔 200 µl)。

500ml for 2,500 microwells

Woodland & Silver Patented the Barcodes